Sunday, August 26, 2007

my new blog

some background,
I am a 17 (plus 8 yrs) old single. I am LDS (AKA mormon) Woman, or girl, whatever .. ha ha .. I have lived in Utah, Texas, Ohio, Louisiana, Florida, New Jersey, South Carolina, Alabama, and I was born in Virgina. Last time I checked I had moved 53 times with in the last 10 years. I have had 42 jobs since i was 15 .. I could name then all but that might take all day.. and I have had about 10 cars maybe more too.. needless to say I love to change life around.. some call it running.. I guess some times it is.. anyway .. So now , I'm here in San Marcos Texas, its a town between Austin and San Antonio .. I work in Austin for AT&T thats just my day job. my night job is I'm a DJ check out my web site .. umm and thats about it... that is me in a nut shell... the end...
OH PS if any of you reading this are cute single mormon men in the Austin area of Texas, go ahead and shout at me..ha ha .. :-)